Matrix Exponential Calculator – Find the Expotential Value

Welcome to the Matrix Exponential Calculator – your tool to find exponential values of matrices effortlessly. Unlock the power of matrices with just a few clicks! Input your matrix, and watch as the calculator swiftly computes its exponential form, revealing insights into growth, transformations, and dynamic systems. Simplify complex calculations and harness the potential of matrix exponential in science, engineering, and beyond. Experience the future of matrix computation today!

Matrix Exponential Calculation Result:


What is a matrix exponential calculator?

A matrix exponential calculator is a specialized tool that helps you compute the exponential of a matrix. In simpler terms:

Matrix: A matrix is like a grid of numbers, arranged in rows and columns. It’s often used in various mathematical and scientific fields to represent data, transformations, and relationships between different quantities.

Exponential: When you hear the term “exponential,” think of rapid growth. Exponential calculations involve repeatedly multiplying a number by itself. For instance, 2 raised to the power of 3 (2^3) is 2 * 2 * 2 = 8.

A matrix exponential calculator combines these concepts. It takes a matrix as input and uses a special mathematical formula to calculate a new matrix that’s similar to raising a number to an exponent, but applied to matrices. This process involves matrix multiplication, addition, and scaling, and it’s used in various fields like physics, engineering, and computer graphics to understand how things change over time or under different conditions.

How does this matrix exponential calculator work?

Think of exponential like supercharging a number. If you have a regular number like 2, raising it to an exponential power like 3 (2^3) means multiplying it by itself three times: 2 * 2 * 2, which equals 8. But what if we could do something similar with matrices?

The calculator does something similar, but with matrices instead of regular numbers. Here’s how it works step by step:

Choose Matrix Size:

First, you decide how big you want your matrix to be. You give the calculator a number (let’s say 2), and it creates a 2×2 grid for you. This grid is like a table, and each cell in the table can hold a number.

Fill the Matrix:

You see the grid, and you fill it with numbers. For example, you can put 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the four cells of a 2×2 grid. These numbers are like the ingredients for a special mathematical recipe.

Calculate e^A:

Now, you press the “Calculate e^A” button. This is where the magic starts. The calculator takes your numbers from the grid and performs a series of calculations using a special formula. It’s like following a recipe to cook something delicious.

Watch the Magic Happen:

The calculator adds, multiplies, and scales these matrices in a clever way. It’s like mixing and combining the ingredients in your recipe. But here’s the cool part: it does this a bunch of times (10 times, to be exact) to make the result even more accurate.

Get the Result:

After doing all these calculations, the calculator gives you a new matrix. This new matrix is the “exponential” of the matrix you started with. It’s like your matrix got supercharged! This new matrix can tell you a lot about how things change and grow over time, which is really useful in many fields like science and engineering.

See the Result:

The calculator shows you the supercharged matrix on the webpage. It’s like revealing the yummy dish you cooked using the recipe. Each number in the matrix represents something important based on the math it went through.

The formula for matrix exponential calculation

The formula for calculating the matrix exponential is given by the following series expansion:

e^A = I + A + (A^2) / 2! + (A^3) / 3! + (A^4) / 4! + …

In this formula:

  • e^A represents the matrix exponential of matrix A.
  • I represents the identity matrix.
  • A^n represents matrix A raised to the power of n.
  • n! represents the factorial of n

Example of matrix exponential calculation

let’s walk through an example of calculating the matrix exponential for a given 2×2 matrix. Suppose we have the following matrix:

A = | 2  1 |

    | 0  3 |

To calculate the matrix exponential of A, we can use the formula:

e^A = I + A + (A^2) / 2! + (A^3) / 3! + …


e^A is the matrix exponential of A.

I is the identity matrix of the same size as A.

A^k represents the matrix power of A raised to the power of k.

k! denotes the factorial of k.

Let’s calculate the matrix exponential step by step:

Calculate A^2:

A^2 = | 2  1 |  *  | 2  1 |  =  | 4  5 |

      | 0  3 |     | 0  3 |     | 0  9 |

Calculate A^3:

A^3 = A * A^2 = | 2  1 |  *  | 4  5 |  =  | 18  23 |

               | 0  3 |     | 0  9 |     |  0  27 |

Plug the matrices into the formula for matrix exponential:

e^A = I + A + (A^2) / 2! + (A^3) / 3!

    = | 1  0 | + | 2  1 | + | 4/2  5/2 | + | 18/6  23/6 |

      | 0  1 |   | 0  3 |   |  0    9/2 |   |  0    27/6 |

    = | 3  2 |

      | 0  7 |

So, the matrix exponential of A is:

e^A = | 3  2 |

      | 0  7 |

This is the result of the matrix exponential calculation for the given 2×2 matrix A. The process is similar for larger matrices, but the calculations can become more complex due to the matrix multiplications and factorials involved.

Example of some matrix with its exponential values

2×2 Matrices:

Matrix (2×2)Exponential Matrix
1.23 0.873.421 2.385
-0.45 0.920.636 2.507
Matrix (2×2)Exponential Matrix
2.01 -1.157.466 0.314
0.76 3.282.144 26.614
Matrix (2×2)Exponential Matrix
-2.30 1.760.099 5.804
0.92 -0.642.513 0.526
Matrix (2×2)Exponential Matrix
0.33 1.281.394 3.603
1.05 0.762.861 2.139
Matrix (2×2)Exponential Matrix
-0.50 0.950.606 2.586
1.80 -0.606.049 0.548

3×3 Matrices:

Matrix (3×3)Exponential Matrix
2.13 0.87 -1.258.434 2.388 0.288
-0.45 1.92 3.010.638 6.820 20.316
1.76 -2.19 0.635.801 0.112 1.881
Matrix (3×3)Exponential Matrix
1.23 -0.87 0.923.421 0.419 2.514
0.45 2.01 -1.151.569 7.461 0.314
-0.76 0.33 1.280.468 1.393 3.602
Matrix (3×3)Exponential Matrix
-2.30 1.76 0.950.099 5.805 2.586
0.92 1.80 -0.602.513 6.049 0.548
-0.50 0.63 1.050.607 1.881 2.861
Matrix (3×3)Exponential Matrix
1.76 -2.19 0.635.800 0.112 1.881
2.13 0.87 -1.258.434 2.388 0.288
-0.45 1.92 3.010.638 6.820 20.316