Best Bowling Handicap Calculator – Estimate Handicap and Result

Welcome to the “Best Bowling Handicap Calculator – Estimate Handicap and Result” web page! Whether you’re a seasoned bowler or just starting in the game, our user-friendly calculator is here to help. Calculate your bowling handicap with precision and determine your adjusted game score effortlessly. By inputting your average, basis score, and percentage factor, you can level the playing field and compete with friends, family, and fellow bowlers of varying skill levels. Get ready to enhance your bowling experience and enjoy fair and exciting competitions with our top-notch handicap calculator!

Your Handicap
Adjusted Result

What is a Bowling Handicap Calculator?

A Bowling Handicap Calculator is a tool used in bowling to level the playing field and allow players of different skill levels to compete against each other fairly. In bowling, a handicap is a numerical value that is added to a bowler’s score to adjust for the difference in skill between players. The concept of a handicap is commonly used in bowling leagues and tournaments to make the competition more equitable and enjoyable for all participants.

Here’s how a Bowling Handicap Calculator typically works:

  1. Basis Average: The calculator requires a “Basis Average” as input. The basis average is a predetermined value that serves as a benchmark or target for all players. It is typically set higher than any individual bowler’s average in the league or tournament.
  2. Percentage Factor: The calculator also requires a “Percentage Factor” as input. This factor determines the percentage of the difference between a player’s average and the basis average that will be used as their handicap. Common percentage factors are 80%, 90%, or 100%.
  3. Player’s Average: The bowler enters their own average, which is usually calculated based on their performance in previous games.
  4. Game Score: The bowler also enters their current game score.
  5. Handicap Calculation: The calculator subtracts the player’s average from the basis average and then multiplies the difference by the percentage factor to calculate the handicap.
  6. Adjusted Score: The handicap is added to the player’s current game score to determine their “Adjusted Score.” This adjusted score is used for ranking and comparing scores in the league or tournament.

By using a handicap system, bowlers of varying skill levels can compete on a more even playing field. Players with lower averages receive higher handicaps, which means they get additional pins added to their scores. This gives them a better chance of competing against higher-average bowlers.

The bowling handicap calculator allows organizers to create more inclusive competitions where bowlers of all skill levels can participate and have a chance to win, regardless of their individual averages. It promotes friendly competition and encourages improvement in all participants, making bowling a more enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

How does this Bowling Handicap Calculator work?

The provided Bowling Handicap Calculator is a simple web-based tool that allows you to calculate your bowling handicap and adjusted your game score based on the inputs you provide. Here’s how it works:


  1. Basis Score: This is the predetermined benchmark or target average used as the basis for the handicap calculation.
  2. Factor (%): This is the percentage factor used to calculate the handicap. It determines how much of the difference between your average and the basis score will be added as a handicap.
  3. Your Average: Enter your average, which is the average score you have achieved in previous games.
  4. Game Score: Enter your current game score that you want to adjust.


  1. The calculator first converts the input values (basis score, factor, average, and game score) into numeric values using parseFloat().
  2. It then checks if all the input values are valid numbers (not NaN) using !isNaN().

Handicap Calculation:

  1. The difference between your average and the basis score is calculated by subtracting your average from the basis score.
  2. The difference is then multiplied by the factor divided by 100 to get the handicap. The result is rounded to the nearest whole number using Math.round().

Adjusted Score:

  1. The calculated handicap is added to your current game score to get the adjusted score.


  1. The calculated handicap is displayed in the “Your Handicap” section on the page.
  2. The adjusted score is displayed in the “Adjusted Result” section on the page.

Button Event:

  1. The “Calculate Handicap” button has an onclick event that triggers the calculateHandicap() JavaScript function when clicked.
  2. The function performs the calculations and updates the displayed results accordingly.

By providing your average and current game score along with the basis score and percentage factor, the calculator can help you determine your handicap and adjusted score. This way, you can compete against bowlers of different skill levels in a fair and enjoyable manner during league games or tournaments.

Can you have a negative handicap in bowling?

In traditional bowling handicap systems, it is not common to have a negative handicap. A handicap is meant to level the playing field by giving lower-average bowlers an advantage over higher-average bowlers. The handicap is typically calculated as the difference between the bowler’s average and the basis score (a predetermined benchmark) multiplied by a percentage factor. The resulting handicap is then added to the bowler’s current game score.

Since the basis score is usually set higher than any individual bowler’s average, the handicap is more likely to be positive. This means that the lower-average bowlers will receive additional pins, giving them a higher adjusted score compared to their actual game score.

However, in some very rare cases, if a bowler’s average is higher than the basis score, the calculated handicap could be negative. This could happen, for example, if the bowler’s average has significantly improved during the season or if the basis score was set too high.

In practice, most leagues and tournaments set the basis score carefully to ensure that no bowler receives a negative handicap. Negative handicaps can create some anomalies in the scoring system and may not align with the intended purpose of handicaps, which is to make the competition fairer and more enjoyable for all participants.

What does 85% handicap mean?

In the context of bowling, an 85% handicap means that a bowler will receive a handicap equal to 85% of the difference between their average and the basis score. The basis score is a predetermined benchmark or target average used for calculating handicaps in a bowling league or tournament.

To understand what an 85% handicap means in practical terms, let’s break it down with an example:

Let’s say the basis score for a particular bowling league is set at 200, and the percentage factor for handicaps is 85%. Now, consider two bowlers:

  1. Bowler A: Has an average of 180.
  2. Bowler B: Has an average of 160.

To calculate the handicap for each bowler:

For Bowler A: Handicap = (Basis Score – Bowler A’s Average) * Percentage Factor Handicap = (200 – 180) * 0.85 Handicap = 20 * 0.85 Handicap = 17

For Bowler B: Handicap = (Basis Score – Bowler B’s Average) * Percentage Factor Handicap = (200 – 160) * 0.85 Handicap = 40 * 0.85 Handicap = 34

So, Bowler A would receive a handicap of 17, and Bowler B would receive a handicap of 34. These handicaps are then added to their respective game scores to calculate their adjusted scores for the league or tournament.

The 85% handicap system aims to level the playing field by giving lower-average bowlers a higher advantage, as they receive a larger handicap compared to higher-average bowlers. This way, bowlers of different skill levels can compete on a more even basis and enjoy the competition without the need for everyone to have the same average.

The table of bowling handicap

Bowler’s AverageDifference from Basis Score (200)80% Handicap90% Handicap100% HandicapAdjusted Score (Game Score + Handicap)
15050404550Game Score + 40
16040323640Game Score + 32
17030242730Game Score + 24
18020161820Game Score + 16
190108910Game Score + 8
2000000Game Score
210-10000Game Score
220-20000Game Score
230-30000Game Score
240-40000Game Score
250-50000Game Score
260-60000Game Score
270-70000Game Score
280-80000Game Score
290-90000Game Score
300-100000Game Score
310-110000Game Score
320-120000Game Score
330-130000Game Score
340-140000Game Score
350-150000Game Score
360-160000Game Score
370-170000Game Score
380-180000Game Score
390-190000Game Score